The Lunati srl company was established in 1937 by Piero and Giulio Lunati with headquarters in Viale Dante (from 1950 in Via Trento, 7) and trademark 160 AL - which are still used today. After the end of the Second World War, a period during which the Lunati company had continued its activity working silver and semi-precious stones, the company expanded its production thanks to the remarkable managerial skills of Piero, who had taken over the laboratory and the commercial management since 1942, creating a very close relationship with his workers. The production of brooches after World War II was soon flanked by the creation of necklaces and rings, which were very successful in the markets of Austria, Germany and Switzerland, as well as in Italy. In the 1960s the company reached 50 employees and could boast customers all over the world. In 1984 Gianluca Lunati joined the company, which aimed at enhancing the Lunati brand through the creation of exclusive jewelry.
The Lunati company has achieved international fame thanks to the quality level of its productions, which range from fancy bijoux (in gold, enamels and semi-precious gems) to prestigious jewels in platinum and precious stones. Lunati jewelry lines have always been able to combine taste for tradition, attention to detail and gems selection. Since 2014 Piero's nephew Gioele, an expert in marketing and communication, is also present in the company and has decided to expand the online sale of some collections designed for a wider audience.
The Lunati srl fund collects the documentation produced by the company from 1945 until today. The material, ordered and catalogued, has been divided into some typological series. In particular, the following series are preserved:
Technical data sheets (about 16 thousand); Rubber and wax moulds (about 10 thousand; post 1945-2016); Plasters (s.d.); Drawings (post 1945-1998 in paper format; from 1998 in digital format); Photographs (from the fifties until today; about 7 thousand partly digitized); Technical catalogs (from 1950 to 2016 about 30 in paper format; from 2000 in digital format); ATA Carnet (about 55).
There is no consultation tool.
L. Lenti, Gioielli e gioiellieri di Valenza. Arte e storia 1825-1975, Allemandi Turin 1994. Descriptive item on pp. 417-418; table V, XII, XXXVI, LXV; ill. 123, 148, 189, 242, 676-678, 719-721, 734, 735, 739, 749-751.
Valenza ou la joaillerie italienne, exhibition catalog edited by Lia Lenti, Paris, Petit Palais 8-28 February 2010, Nuvole, Sardigliano, 2010. Image on p. 124.
Official website of the company URL: https://www.lunatigioielli.com/
URL: http://shediamonds.org/2014/02/10/160-al-lunati-and-the-never-ending-dream/"

Lunati S.r.l.
Viale Trento, 7
15048 Valenza (AL)
+39 0131941338