Ezio Campese was "born in Italy, in summer". In 1964/67 he attended the Design School of Novara; formerly of Armando Testa SpA (1968/69), he worked as a freelance graphic designer; since 1965 he took part in collective painting exhibitions (including, in 1967, the Bolzano Prize with Plessi, Pozzati, Turcato and others) and solo exhibitions; in 1967 he made his first experimental film (16mm. ) and in 1968 the first space/environment; he was a co-founder (1973) of Valenzadesign, a jewellery creation trio (E. Campese, P. De Battistis, G. Cioin) awarded the Diamonds International Award in 1974. 1984 saw him create sets and costumes for the Teatro dell'Angolo, for the Astiteatro exhibition; in the same year he took part to Collection (jewellery) with De Lucchi, Mangiarotti, Sottsass for Cleto Munari (editor); during 1985 he held seminars and experimental courses for teachers and schools, promoted by the Municipality of Livorno in collaboration with the University of Turin; in 2004 he co-designed the stand of the Province of Imperia for "GeNova04" European Capital of Culture, at Palazzo Ducale. Then other video-films, mail-art, poems-E, meta-vignettes, etc..
The artist stated: "Since the '70s, instead of doing P.R. with the glass in my hand at the inaugurations, I have almost totally avoided the appropriate attendance".